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Domestic violence

By November 5, 2021No Comments

Domestic violence: By: Hayder Hussein Swadi
Introduction: domestic violence was not addressed in most legal systems until the beginning of the nineties around the world, in fact there was very little protection against domestic violence on most countries before the late twentieth century in law or in practice, the united nations in 1993 published several strategies to confront violence family memberships most legal system also fail to condemn and prohibit. Circumstances in which a wife is forced into violence against wives that women provoke or can loleate or even enjoy acertain level or violence from their husbands, there has been a call in the past decades to end legal impunity for domestic violence, which is often based on the idea that such acts especially the lstanbal convention was the first legislaton dealing with violence development. Europe deals with domestic violence and violence against women. The convention seeks tolerance in law or practice of violence against women and racial discrimination and racial discrimination and recognizes the ancient social traditions of European states that ignore these forms of violence. 219 states the following :there are many example of past practice in the member states of the council of europe satetes of the council of europe that show cases of exception to prosectdton in such cases if the victim and the perpetrator were married or in a relationship. The most prominet example of this is marital rape, which it did not ackowleedge that it was rape for along fimes dueto the nature of the relationship between the victim and perpetrator. Increased attiention was given to specific was given to especific forms of domestic violence such as honor killings. hawk killings and forced marriage. India has made efforts in recent Domestic violence is also known by several names: family abuse, or marital abuse. The latter can be defined as a form of abusive behavior issued by one or both partners in the marital or family relationship, and it has several forms, including physical abuse (such as hitting, kicking, biting, slapping and throwing things And others). Or psychological threat, such as sexual assault, emotional abuse, domination, intimidation, or intimidation, or stalking, or negative hidden abuse such as neglect, or economic deprivation, and family violence may be accompanied by pathological conditions such as alcoholism and mental illnesses. Awareness is considered a matter of assistance in treating and reducing family violence Criteria for defining domestic violence vary widely from country to country and era to the next. Domestic violence is not limited to apparent physical abuse, but rather to other matters such as exposure to danger or coercion to crime, kidnapping, illegal imprisonment, infiltration, stalking and harassment. Per cent of women around the world have experienced physical or sexual violence from an intimate partner at some point in their lives, meaning 311 women around the world have experienced some form of violence during their lifetime.However, some national studies indicate that up to 70% 100% of women have experienced physical and / or sexual violence from an intimate partner in their lifetime. ”The World Health Organization has defined family violence as“ a group of sexual, psychological and physical coercive acts used against adult and teenage women by intimate or former male partners. ” Women are often exposed to the current husband only, but it may also include ex-husbands and other family members such as parents, siblings, in-laws, and the steward is any member of the family that can be A person with a disability for his family members or the people around him, and therefore, whatever his job or field of work, he will practice violence in his work and any place where he is, so you will find the teacher who admits his students or the teacher, the doctor, the university professor, the lawyer, the engineer, Kho, the people who did not complete their education (the most reliable), whatever the job of this Person Now Violence is not limited to a specific group or class of society Violence is a psychological disease Family violence often occurs when the aggressor believes that violence is his right or something is acceptable or justified or is not likely to be reported, and this may result in the repetition of violence across generations and the education of children And other family members who may feel that this neck is acceptable. Many people do not admit to being abusive or victimized because they may view their business as family disputes out of control. Awareness, perception, and definition differ in each country and another. Domestic violence often occurs in the context of forced marriage or child marriage. Violence may exist in violent and abusive relationships periodic periods of abuse during which tensions rise and acts of violence are committed, followed by a period of reconciliation and calm that victims may suffer. Domestic violence to violence. In violent and abusive relationships there may be periodic vents of abuse during which tensions rise and acts of violence are committed, followed by a period of reconciliation and calm. Victims of domestic violence may be exposed to violence because of isolation, submission to authority and control, a culture of acceptance, lack of financial resources, fear, shame or protection Children, as a result of violence, victims may suffer from physical disabilities, chronic health problems, mental illnesses, financial hardship and poor ability to establish healthy relationships, victims may suffer from psychological disorders As severe as PTSD. Children who live in a violent family often develop psychological problems at an early age, such as isolation and a great fear of threats. Al- Ain is a language that defines anguish lingering as hardship and cruelty, and the act of it is fodder. Violence is said to the man: that is, he did not accompany him and acted with severity and violence, or for a nation and his stumbling, and the act of it also was covered, so he said: An employee is an employee: that the ummah is firmly in order to reform it or to reject it. Violence is defined as the unlawful use of force, or the threat to use it in order to cause harm and harm to others, and violence in sociology plays the role of resorting to harm in order to break up family relations such as violence against the wife, husband, children, or the elderly, whether This was through negligence, physical or monetary harm, or moral violence. In another definition of violence, it is any aggressive behavior practiced by an individual, group, or a particular social class whose aim is to exploit or subjugate the corresponding methods of non-integral power politically or economically, Or social, as it is defined as depriving others’ freedom, whether freedom of expression, freedom of thought, or freedom of opinion, which leads to material, moral, or psychological harm. Likewise, domestic violence is defined as causing harm to family members. Such as the husband’s violence against his wife, the wife’s denial against her husband, the violence of one or both parents towards the children, or the violence of the children towards their parents, as this harm includes physical, psychological, or sexual abuse, threat, neglect, or deprivation of rights from their owners, and usually The commentator is the strongest party that practices violence against the file that represents the weakest methods, and in the last definition of domestic violence is any behavior intended to provoke fear, or cause harm, whether it is physical, or its insane, without differentiating between sex, age or race, and generating Feeling humiliated in the same partner, or falling under the influence of threat, emotional conscience, or sexual coercion, and trying to control the weaker party by using children, pets, or a family member as an emotional pressure to control the opposite party, and victims of family violence usually lose their confidence By themselves, they experience feelings of helplessness, anxiety, and depression that require my intervention to remedy these effects. Domestic violence is considered a felony or misdemeanor crime committed by an individual who shares a place of residence with the victim and may have a child between them. Or it may be a current or former spouse, or a close friend of the victim, and it includes violence, which is classified as a crime of bullying another person under the laws of family or family violence. [5] Family violence also includes a wider circle of the family, so there may be a close relationship between the perpetrator The victim is outside the family. Like violence caused by relatives or family friends, the causes There are many different theories about the causes of domestic violence, including psychological theories that study the personality traits and mental characteristics of the perpetrator of the crime, as well as the social theories that consider. All forms of domestic violence have a single goal of gaining and maintaining control of the victim. Abusers use many methods to exercise their power over their spouse or partner: control, humiliation, isolation, threats, intimidation, deprivation, and blame. Physical violence is violence that involves contact with the aim of causing fear, pain, and wounding, or causing physical suffering, or physical harm. . Includes physical violence, blows, punches, suffocation, thrusting, burning, and other types of friction that lead to physical injury to the victim. Physical violence may also include behaviors such as depriving the victim of medical care when needed, depriving the victim of sleep or other functions necessary for living, Or forcing the victim to engage in drug and alcohol use against her will. If a person suffers from any physical harm, then this means that he faces a physical neck. This violence can be faced at any stage, and it can also include directing the physical harm to other targets such as children. Sexual violence is any situation in which force or threat is used to obtain participation in unwanted sexual activity. Forcing a person to engage in sex against their will, even if that person is the spouse or intimate partner who has previously had consensual sex, is an act of aggression and violence. The World Health Organization defines sexual violence as • any sexual act or attempt to obtain a sexual act, unwanted sexual comments or harassment, or suspicious or otherwise directed actions against a person’s sexuality using coercion, by any person regardless of His relationship with the victim, and anywhere, as it is not limited to the home and work, marital rape, also known as marital rape, is dissatisfaction with having sex if the perpetrator is the victim’s husband. As such, it is considered a form of partner rape, domestic violence, and sexual assault. In the United States of America, marital rape is illegal in all 50 states, and in Canada, marital rape was criminalized in 1983, when several legal changes were made, including This changed the rape law to sexual assault, and made the laws gender neutral. In Australia, the criminalization of the matter began in the state of New South in 1981, followed by all other states from 1985 to 1992, and New Zealand banned marital rape in 1985, and Ireland banned it in 1990. In England and Wales, marital rape became illegal in the year 1991, when the exemption for marital rape was revoked by the Appeals Committee of the House of Lords in the case of RR Types of sexual assault include: 1- The use of physical force to force a person to participate in a sexual act against his or her desire, whether the act is completed or not. 2- Attempt or complete sexual activity with the participation of a person who is unable to understand the nature or state of the act, is unable to refuse to participate, or is unable to communicate the idea of unwillingness to participate in sex, for example, due to the immaturity of the underage quota Or, because of illness, disability, or being under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, or because of threat or economic pressure, this concept is intended to prevent the female from one of her dominant family members (father, brother-in-law, from the right to education and obtain a job, or if she has an income He controls this and prevents him from it, and thus she becomes under his mercy financially, which he uses as a means to subjugate her. Emotional violence is also called psychological or intellectual violence and includes assault and humiliation of the victim, either publicly or in public, controlling practices that the victim can or cannot do, concealing some facts from The victim, deliberately embarrassing him or detracting from his value, also isolating the victim socially by keeping him away from his family and friends. In addition, the victim is blackmailed by harming others around him whenever he feels happiness and autonomy from the forms of emotional abuse as well. In order to prevent the victim and all the basics. In violent and abusive relationships there may be periodic vents of abuse during which tensions rise and acts of violence are committed, followed by a period of reconciliation and calm. Victims of domestic violence may be exposed to violence because of isolation, submission to authority and control, a culture of acceptance, lack of financial resources, fear, shame or protection Children, as a result of violence, victims may suffer from physical disabilities, chronic health problems, mental illnesses, financial hardship and poor ability to establish healthy relationships, victims may suffer from psychological disorders As severe as PTSD. Children who live in a violent family often develop psychological problems at an early age, such as isolation and a great fear of threats. Al- Ain is a language that defines anguish lingering as hardship and cruelty, and the act of it is fodder. Violence is said to the man: that is, he did not accompany him and acted with severity and violence, or for a nation and his stumbling, and the act of it also was covered, so he said: An employee is an employee: that the ummah is firmly in order to reform it or to reject it. Violence is defined as the unlawful use of force, or the threat to use it in order to cause harm and harm to others, and violence in sociology plays the role of resorting to harm in order to break up family relations such as violence against the wife, husband, children, or the elderly, whether This was through negligence, physical or monetary harm, or moral violence. In another definition of violence, it is any aggressive behavior practiced by an individual, group, or a particular social class whose aim is to exploit or subjugate the corresponding methods of non-integral power politically or economically, Or social, as it is defined as depriving others’ freedom, whether freedom of expression, freedom of thought, or freedom of opinion, which leads to material, moral, or psychological harm. Likewise, domestic violence is defined as causing harm to family members. Such as the husband’s violence against his wife, the wife’s denial against her husband, the violence of one or both parents towards the children, or the violence of the children towards their parents, as this harm includes physical, psychological, or sexual abuse, threat, neglect, or deprivation of rights from their owners, and usually The commentator is the strongest party that practices violence against the file that represents the weakest methods, and in the last definition of domestic violence is any behavior intended to provoke fear, or cause harm, whether it is physical, or its insane, without differentiating between sex, age or race, and generating Feeling humiliated in the same partner, or falling under the influence of threat, emotional conscience, or sexual coercion, and trying to control the weaker party by using children, pets, or a family member as an emotional pressure to control the opposite party, and victims of family violence usually lose their confidence By themselves, they experience feelings of helplessness, anxiety, and depression that require my intervention to remedy these effects. Domestic violence is considered a felony or misdemeanor crime committed by an individual who shares a place of residence with the victim and may have a child between them. Or it may be a current or former spouse, or a close friend of the victim, and it includes violence, which is classified as a crime of bullying another person under the laws of family or family violence. [5] Family violence also includes a wider circle of the family, so there may be a close relationship between the perpetrator The victim is outside the family. Like violence caused by relatives or family friends, the causes There are many different theories about the causes of domestic violence, including psychological theories that study the personality traits and mental characteristics of the perpetrator of the crime, as well as the social. For example, in most bullying behaviors you find all three forms of violence, and verbal violence appears to be the primary form of violence against bullying, meaning you cannot have bullying without a threat to domestic violence The effects of violence against women The studies conducted by the World Health Organization at the global level indicated 30% of married women around the world are exposed to physical or sexual violence, and 7% of women aged 15 years and over are also subjected to sexual violence, but these percentages vary according to the society in which they reside. Some women who have experienced domestic violence need health care to treat Neck impact, but doctors have difficulty dealing with these cases; This is because the woman does not respond to the disclosure of her experience of being subjected to violence or to seek help from the concerned authorities, and this is due to the feelings of fear and shame that the victim possesses, or the feeling of guilt, or consideration of family concepts and traditions that prevent her from doing so, and therefore the necessary awareness must be provided to specialists in the field Medicine deals with the methods of dealing with victims of women who have been subjected to violence, and the effects of violence against women can be classified into three types, which are as follows: The short-term physical effects are bruises, wounds, broken bones, or an internal injury that requires x-rays and medical examinations. The impact of sexual violence in the short term is evidenced by vaginal bleeding and pelvic pain, and the victim may suffer from sexually transmitted diseases, but if the victim is pregnant, sexual assault may harm the fetus inside the mother’s womb. Long-term physical effects lead to physical violence And long-term sexual health problems; Such as arthritis, asthma, heart problems, stomach ulcers, colon syndrome, stress, immune system problems, sleep problems, nightmares, headaches, migraines, unhealthy eating patterns, drug or alcohol addiction, the effects on mental health are: With physical and sexual abuse, many symptoms appear as a result of exposure to violence, including loss of consciousness, induction, nausea, memory loss or difficulty remembering and concentrating, sleep disturbance, and this may be accompanied by psychological disorders; Exposure to anxiety and depression, and the acquisition of negative thoughts, and exposure 10Post-traumatic stress disorder that results in a feeling of tension that forces the victim to seek the help of a mental health professional, and many victims of violence may resort to acquiring bad habits such as consuming alcohol and drugs .. Effects of violence against men Men are exposed to violence in all its forms, but the processes of reporting cases Violence among men is less than that of women, and men who have been subjected to violence are more likely to abuse alcohol, drugs, and intoxicants, and older men who have been exposed to violence suffer from severe symptoms of depression. Post-traumatic stress symptoms appeared in men widely, and their effects differed according to location, race, and culture. Studies conducted by British police records in 2012 showed that 54% of victims of violence against men suffer from deterioration in mental health, and a feeling of constant fear, and that 29% of men who have been subjected to domestic violence suffer from severe fear of their partner Family violence has also affected children, the effects of family violence on children in the short term. Children of families suffering from family violence arising between parents witness a state of constant fear and anxiety in preparation for any violence they may witness or be exposed to. Children are affected in different ways according to their ages, such as the following children in Preschool age The effects of violence are the emergence of habits that appeared in them at an early age; Bedwetting and thumb sucking, as well as showing signs of anxiety; Constant crying and moaning, signs of terror, such as stuttering and trying to hide, and they also have difficulty sleeping. School-aged children A child who witnesses cases of family violence at school age begins to feel guilt and blame himself, becomes more introverted, so his participation in school activities decreases, the number of his friends decreases, his self- esteem decreases, and you also notice a decrease in his school grades, and health effects appear on him Headache and stomach pain. The effects of violence on teenagers are unethical behaviors; Like alcohol and drug abuse. They also show problems in forming friendships, and their self-esteem decreases, in addition to pecking at others, and they also show signs of depression and isolation that are usually more girls than boys. The effects of domestic violence on children in the long term. A boy who witnessed violence against his mother is more likely. For the practice of violence against his partner in the future ten times more than he did not witness a family embrace, and the girl who witnessed the embrace of her mother by her father is more likely to be exposed to sexual violence six times than the channel that lived in a family free from domestic violence, as for the health problems that can affect Children exposed to violence at puberty include mental problems, depression, anxiety, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, in addition to low self-esteem. The effects of violence against the elderly millions of elderly people around the world suffer from abuse and violence in all its forms; Like financial exploitation, neglect, and emotional abuse, the type of violence differs according to the social class, economic situation, and culture, especially since the elderly are isolated from the outside world so that the aggressor against them is the same person responsible for their care, such as: a husband, religion, or grandson. Due to the victim’s weakness and what she sometimes suffers from physical weakness, character, or Alzheimer’s due to old age, she does not have the ability to seek help because of fear, resulting in a feeling of helplessness, psychological damage to elderly people who are subjected to family violence; Feelings of shame, helplessness, and humiliation, in addition to feelings of fear and anxiety that led to depression and increased levels of stress, and feelings of hopelessness, frustration and distress afflicted the elderly; Their inability to push back violence and protect themselves, especially as feelings of self-remorse and blame lose them self-esteem and respect, in addition to that they are possessed by feelings of shock and the inability to understand that the people they trusted, especially relatives, were the ones who committed the act of violence against them. The effects of stubbornness on society after family violence is a cause of negative social and family effects as a result of aggression and threat, and among these effects is the innocent disintegration, as the use of violence by fathers in dealing with their wives and children deprives them of living in peace and stability, which leads to family disintegration, divorce where The separation of the spouses resulting from conflicts and psychological incompatibility leads to separation of family members and increases the likelihood of children becoming homeless and vulnerable to delinquency Social hostility. The other party has stolen his own money: to cover family expenses without his will, preventing him from practicing work or enrolling in school, forcing the partner to consume alcohol and drugs. Refusing to contribute to the provision of basic necessities for the family, tampering with the partner’s phone constantly, examining images, texts, incoming and outgoing calls Arrogating to the other party by telling him a better God than him, and that he is very lucky to accept him as his life partner, leaving the partner in an unfamiliar and lonely place Theories explaining domestic violence peel off Several theories of the phenomenon of domestic violence, and among these theories are the following: (12) The theory of interpretive analysis The scholar Freud believes that violence results from the inability of the ego to reconcile the innate tendencies that call for destruction and destruction, and the values and traditions of society, whether moral, spiritual, or religious, Or social, so it obeys the aggressive and sensual tendencies that the individual suffers from through violence, the peripheral theory, where the scientist referred to a set of psychological laws that explain the aggressive behavior, including that every violent behavior carried out by a person is the result of an internal pressure that he could not differentiate, and the effect of violence increases, the greater the amount Pressure, such as the teacher being frustrated by the principal in a way that the teacher does not have the right to respond to the principal in the same way, so his anger and tension were frightened by rebuking his students, and the same is the case for the wife who is hard on any Tanha is the result of her husband’s abuse of her. The theory of social learning is considered one of the most widespread theories in explaining the behavior of violence, as it indicates that violence is a result of the social environment in which the individual lives, in which he acquires violence through education and imitation. Some parents urge their children not to be victims of violence. The strength to follow the advice of their parents, and many video games and media contain words, phrases, and behaviors that encourage children to acquire aggressive behavior. The theory of socialization Social upbringing based on racial, religious, or cultural distinctions is a reason for the acquisition of violence, and patriarchal societies. Violence by men has been proven, in addition to the existence of several societies that consider feeding as part of honor and the dominant culture in them. The theory of the traditional Japanese trend, this theory considers that society is a set of integrated and interconnected parts, so any defect in one of its parts is the result of a defect in another part. Therefore, violence in society results from a lack of community guidance, Lack of proper control of society, or disturbance in some social values or systems, whether economic, social, family, or political. Conflict theory This theory supports Marxist thought and indicates that violence stems from a class struggle, whether political, religious, or Conflict of interests and access to power, therefore, the stronger party often dominates the weaker party, and thus the chain of violence continues Phases of domestic violence Most cases of domestic violence pass in a recurring cycle within three phases, which are as follows: the phase of tension, which is the phase in which family relations begin to tense, and at this stage The health system tries to exude the excitement of the aggressor, and the stage lasts from a few hours to several months, and the longer the period, the greater the causes of an inevitable state of violence, the stage of violence, which is the stage in which the perpetrator attacks the victim, either through physical assault; Such as hitting or assault, or psychological abuse, such as depriving the victim from leaving the house. The honeymoon stage, which is the stage in which the aggressor begins to apologize and present gifts to the victim, asking for forgiveness, and promises not to repeat the abuse in order to continue the relationship, then a new state of tension begins, the start of a new cycle of violence, and so it is worth noting that not all cases of violence go through this stage of domestic violence in Iraq Government statistics indicate that one in five Iraqi women is subjected to physical abuse (14% of women were pregnant at the time). According to the World Health Organization WH0, violence against women is defined as “any violent act that leads to, results from, or is likely to result from, sexual nervousness, that is, or suffering to women. The severity of a newspaper, as the past weeks have witnessed the crimes of Bashma Hurt stuffed with plain utensils in the capitalist, sexual or psychological aspect, including the threat of such an activity, the moon, or the arbitrary deprivation of freedom, whether this occurs in public or private life. “The Iraqi Ministry of Planning Concerning violence against women in the country, we can expressly take a look at physical abuse, its percentage in Iraqi society. 47% beat the wife if she goes out of the house without being guilty. 44.3% of the wife’s Serbs if she violates his orders and 695% prevents the wife from visiting her relatives this Official figures have not occurred since 2012, today, in conjunction with the pressures that the Iraqi name is experiencing associated with the measures of social isolation due to the escalation of heinous crimes that have shaken the Iraqi society, igniting the rape of women with special needs and suicide due to domestic violence, murders, creating wives from their husbands, crimes of harassment of minors and others Among the crimes, which prompted the United Nations, the United Nations Population Fund and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF, to urge the Iraqi parliament to expedite the issuance of the law against family violence. The law against domestic violence that Iraqi President Barham Salih sent last September to the Iraqi Council of Representatives to dissolve its legislation is still waiting for passage under the dome of Parliament, which leads us to question the failure of the settlement representation in the Iraqi parliament (the constitutional texts include the necessity of female representation that is not Less than the spring in the legislative institution, meaning that the women’s quota in the Iraqi parliament is 69 women out of 275) to press for approval of the legislation of the law that witnesses obstruction from religious parties under various pretexts. Domestic violence is a dangerous step aimed at dismantling the Iraqi family and causing moral chaos The causes of domestic violence in Iraq in which the Iraqi family is living and the division of the way of life between men, women and children, which forces women to abide by the home and gives the man the right to eliminate most of the right between work and cafes, while the child spare his time playing in the street This segmentation, which allows the child to play in the street without adult supervision, educates the child on the concepts of power and intolerance within gangs for survival, which in turn plays a major role in The double personality of the Iraqi individual Social system and societal values Bedouins, rooted in Iraqi society, assess their masculine concepts that prefer males over females. Statistics indicate that 50.7% of Iraqi girls receive unequal treatment with their brothers. Males in the same family, girls aged 10-14 years were physically abused by their brothers and 59% of Iraqi women justify physical violence) from the first day of childbirth, to giving opportunities and powers to males and not females, to notions of honor and shame, these ideas prevailing in society She made marriage an opportunity to preserve girls, and placed marriage as a priority without education and taking an active role in society. One out of ten girls in Iraq believes that a girl should marry before the age of 18 (5% of married women were married before the age of 15 years, and 22% before the age of 15). 18 years) Education continues to cause illiteracy among women to be significantly high in Iraq. The illiteracy rate among women in rural areas is 36.5%, while in urban areas the rate is 15.9%, and this is partly due to the deprivation of women from educational opportunities. That 69.4% of women in Iraq got married before they reach the level of education they aspire to, despite the huge oil wealth in Iraq, one person out of every five people still lives below the poverty line, as research indicates that poverty is the fuel that drives violence Households, where the lineage was recorded Much higher violence against women and children in poor families The role of the state and the lack of deterrent laws Article 29 of the Iraqi constitution states: The family is the basis of society, and the state preserves its entity and its religious, moral and national values. Their property and capabilities “The state’s guarantee of motherhood and childhood remains a dead letter. Article 41-1 of the Iraqi Penal Code No. 111 of 1969, as amended, stipulates:“ There is no crime if the act is the use of a right established in accordance with the law, and it is considered an use of the right: (1- The husband disciplining his wife and disciplining him) Fathers, teachers, and those with similar status, minor children within the limits of what is prescribed by law, law, or race) “This is the legal cover to justify physical violence in Iraqi society and the absence of legislation to criminalize domestic violence despite the increase in women’s political representation, but this representation has not been translated into legislation or a tool. Put pressure on legislative institutions, as the draft law against domestic violence that was proposed 8 years ago is still pending approval by the Iraqi parliament since 2015, the draft law text p To form a family protection directorate that undertakes research and investigation into complaints of domestic violence and to form a specialized family court to investigate cases of domestic violence and grants the competent judge the right to issue a protection decision for the victim and to place her in safe shelters if he senses that there is a fear for her life and safety, and the draft also obligated the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs Establishing safety centers Victims of family violence in all governorates of Iraq and providing support and assistance to the victim through the provision of treatment and psychological rehabilitation The Iraqi government tried to create a directorate for family and child protection from domestic violence in 2009, but its role on the ground is still very limited. Lack of material independence, early marriage in Iraqi society is forbidden. Girls are given educational opportunities, and it makes the possibility of financial independence for the girl almost impossible, and therefore when the battered woman finds that she is unable to support herself and her children, she continues to bear the husband’s abuse to ensure that she and her children have shelter. Domestic Violence Law in Iraq has brought back the case of Malak Al- Zubaidi, the debate about the importance of legislating a law to reduce domestic violence in Iraq and the timing of Al-Zubaidi last April, affected by severe burns after she burned herself, causing continuous domestic violence from her husband and his family. This incident prompted many From activists on social media to demand the need to expedite the enactment of a law to reduce domestic violence, as the Al-Zubaidi case was not the last case, but rather cases of cruelty and neck differ from Malak. The Council of Ministers voted on the fourth of August this year on the draft law on protection from domestic violence, and it is scheduled to submit it to the Presidency of the Council of Representatives, to include it in the agenda of the sessions, and vote to legislate and approve it. I hope … But a member of the House of Representatives, Intisar al-Jubouri, explains that it is not the first time that the law has been discussed, rather that previous parliamentary sessions have discussed it, and it reached the stage of voting, but he did not vote on it because of the parliamentary blocs that rejected it. , That this law, if approved, will reduce the rate of violence because it punishes the perpetrators and protects the victim. As for the feminist activist Hafsa Amer, she does not rule out the failure to pass this law despite the growing phenomenon of domestic violence, and she explains in an interview with “The Independent Arabia” that this law faces many obstacles until it was said to legislate “because of the conservative tribal environment of Iraq, which is the primary cause of violence against Women and children. ” Hafsa Amer adds that the law, despite its importance to confront violence, “but there are some articles that do not meet the ambition, and that the traditions of society will impede its approval.” She explains that the cultural heritage is what gives the man the absolute power to control the family’s capabilities and the lives of its members. Indeed, we may find there are those who perpetuate violence, and violence is often protected under the pretext of privacy. Silence was overshadowed by silence. The mouths were kept silent and the battered women and children continued to suffer in hiding due to clan domination and the concealment of violent crimes, honor crimes, and the washing of shame. The law ignored honor crimes in a related context. Domestic violence, which will be discussed in Parliament, did not address honor crimes, which it believes that ending it is one of the priorities to end violence against women in general, and “The Independent Arabia” says that Iraqi law gives the right to commit violence under the pretext of “the right to discipline,” as the Iraqi Penal Code states in Article 41 states that “there is no crime if the act is committed as an abuse of a right established according to the law. Using the right, including the husband’s disciplining of his wife, the discipline of devotees, teachers, and those who are similar to minor children within the limits of what is legally prescribed, legally or customary. “Leila believes that the existence of such texts contributes to the escalation of violence, or failure to report it due to the absence of an explicit law that deters the perpetrator In the neck, she explains, “Many women have a desire to report violence, but they refrain from causing the weakness of the law, which is unable to protect the law as family disputes.” Constitutional loopholes in the law On the other hand, legal advisor Ali Al-Tamimi indicates that the law in its current form opens the door to other problems. He clarifies that the eighth article of the draft law permitted the complaint to be raised by everyone who knew of its occurrence. Al-Tamimi believes in Halit to “The Independent Arabia”, that this text will open the door of communications wide open for reasons that may be real and related to disputes, especially since the law permitted reporting while preserving the confidentiality of the amount, considering that such a text may be a means of settling accounts. The law did not take into account the customs and traditions of society, as Article 11 states: “Preventing those who are afraid of committing domestic violence from entering the home for a period of 48 hours, which can be renewed, to protect the applicant.” His existence is legal, because the law rules on the moral and material element, not on intentions. ”Important issues that the law overlooked On the other hand, Al-Tamimi says, the prospective law did not stipulate the crimes stipulated in the Iraqi Penal Code, including harm and disability, and did not clarify the type of penalties The right to these crimes if they occur, and the draft law did not focus on the psychological and social aspects of the reasons for committing domestic violence crimes, nor did it provide for the establishment of centers specialized in treating psychological cases, which were a cause of violence. Law In a related context, attorney Sarmad Al-Maadi explains that there are voices rejecting the law even before its provisions are made public, and they see that the passage of the law is not in line with the constants of the Islamic religion according to their point of view, and he says in an interview with The Independent Arab, “We must or know what It came from texts in this draft law, and then he made a comparative study between civil law and Islamic law, to come up with results and recommendations that reduce obstacles to its approval. Civil status laws and laws relating to the family are often rejected by the Islamic currents, which believe that adopting such laws will benefit the Iraqi family, and that they contradict the teachings of the Islamic religion, and on August 16, they roamed the streets of Baghdad, opposing the draft bill, most of its provisions. The marches were sponsored by Islamic parties who raised slogans against the law, and those who reject the bill believe that Article 14 of the shelter director has the right to seek the help of sheikhs, relatives, notables, and specialists in psychology and sociology to solve the family problem, and they see that this article broadens the problems instead of solving them. In press statements, “The bill aims to strike at the Iraqi family and to dismantle the values of society,” directing his accusations to the American embassy, which seeks to strike at the Iraqi And that shelters will not necessarily be under ۔identity through these laws the supervision of the government, rather they may be sponsored by civil society organizations, and that a large part of them are under the auspices of American institutions and the United States Embassy in Baghdad. Juveniles, personal status, and jurists believe that these scattered laws are among the best laws, but they need a new formulation to show us a law that better protects the family than the currently proposed draft law. We may witness again the phenomenon of the father who burned his children after family problems, the mother who drowned her children in the water tank, and the father who burned the bottom of his daughter while she was a middle school student only because she spoke with a young man, and other horrific stories. Getting rid of the phenomenon of domestic violence, measures at the state level Preventive Preventive measures are an important factor in resisting domestic violence, preventing its spread in society, preserving family cohesion, and allowing it to live in peace and stability. Therefore, some countries take strategies and methods to prevent domestic violence, and ways to deal with it in the event of a family violence incident, so that the preventive measures are as follows. This is through the use of several methods and methods, starting with general prevention that indicates the danger of domestic violence, then legal prevention with knowledge of laws and legislation related to family protection. The judicial system in dealing with cases of family violence, such as using recording cameras for children who have been assaulted by the soldier, and not asking the child to repeat the story because it is fearing the psychological impact of that, as well as developing institutions related to family protection and raising the efficiency of its employees by giving them courses in knowing the indicators of violence, and the foundations Follow-up prevention programs during the intervention, which are the Shiite ways to rid the victim of the effects of psychological or physical violence by empowering her socially, enhancing her capabilities, providing appropriate health care to her, empowering her economically by supporting small enterprises, encouraging vocational training in order to find job opportunities, and providing legal advice And help in knowing the legal measures that will be taken and their dimensions, prevention programs during the aftercare They are the programs that aim to remove the negative effects of agnostic violence, through the rehabilitation of the mantosians and their integration into society, and the provision of psychological counseling services, especially for those suffering from the effects of post-traumatic stress, and the restoration of their self-esteem, and the program also includes helping the elderly who have been subjected to cervix by integrating into society, And training them on the path of anger management, in order to prevent the occurrence of violent incidents in the future, the stage of case management. The phase of management of the dependence is summarized in conducting a social study of families exposed to domestic violence, and determining the clubs’ spaces from deliberate strategies that put the armed priority in health, and the services and support are provided to the victim since receiving the case. The response stage is concerned with providing services to the victim, providing protection and security for her and her family, and it takes place in stages, which are the stage of discovery and swallowing, then the stage of the immediate response, the stage of intervention, and finally the stage of closing the justice file, individual procedures, strong specialization, both children and adults who are attacked They must, as a result of domestic violence, evade the impact of the neck and experience the painful experience of abuse that they experienced, especially when leaving victims of violence At the age of change without treatment, they find psychological trauma that remains associated with them for life, and they become more likely to acquire bad behaviors, such as: violence against others, the inability to form continuous relationships, or resort to drug or alcohol use: This is why the need for Counseling and psychological support services for families who have been subjected to violence. Counseling places are located in the form of community institutions where all types of psychological support are established due to the presence of specialized counselors, as well as shelter, safe houses, and private places for women who have been subjected to violence. It also provides legal advice on domestic violence, and services. Various restrictions are the cause of transforming the victim from a state of despair, collapse, and unwillingness to live into a state of hope, and I suggest it to life. Impairment therapy The methods of treating domestic violence are in several forms. And provide the aggressor treatment by training him in anger management techniques, and stop blaming and criticizing others. Sami the aggressor can also be studied, and the reasons that contributed to the formation of intentional behavior He has a ballerina, and his treatment is in order to stop the abuse against others, while the abused children can offer them several games and activities that give them confidence in themselves and increase their indoctrination with others. Sources: • Investigations, Extensions and Law on Domestic Violence in Iraq between Welcome and Reservation / Independent Arabia / Forgiveness Yunus • Muhammad Al-Rumaihi (2012), Domestic Violence and its Security Implications Bahrain Royal Academy of Police, pages 16,29,30,65,66,67,68,69 70,71,72 73,74. 2019, Abdullah Al-Aaf, Domestic Violence and its Effects on Family and Society The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Library of Interest Hunting, Page 6 olence,, Retrieved 201911: Public Security Directorate (2016), National Framework for Family Protection from Emancipation (Second Edition), Jordan, Public Security Directorate, page 1, 12,13,12,10,11,12,14 • Domestic violence in Iraq … Causes of the exacerbated phenomenon and ways of survival / Zain Al Mallah • World Health Organization | Violence against women . * “More than 40% of domestic violence victims are male, report reveals.” the Guardian in English). Archived from the original on May 19, 2017. As of November 19, 2018: Yuliya Mysyuk Rudi Westendorp, Jolandat 2019-11 Lindenberg (9-2016), “How older persons explain why they * Family Protection Police